No input file found No input file found No input file found No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 Placed sub/conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache Not a C/C++ file - conftest.o Not a C/C++ file - conftest.o Not a C/C++ file - conftest.o Not a C/C++ file - conftest.s Not a C/C++ file - conftest.s Not a C/C++ file - conftest.s No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache the preprocessor gave 1 Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed libdrivers_a-config.o into cache Placed libdrivers_a-fsys_tftp.o into cache Placed libdrivers_a-i386_timer.o into cache Placed libdrivers_a-misc.o into cache Placed libdrivers_a-nic.o into cache Placed libdrivers_a-pci.o into cache Placed libdrivers_a-pci_io.o into cache Placed libdrivers_a-timer.o into cache Placed libdrivers_a-rpc.o into cache Placed 3c595.o into cache Placed 3c90x.o into cache Placed e1000.o into cache Placed eepro100.o into cache Placed pcnet32.o into cache Placed rtl8139.o into cache Placed sis900.o into cache Placed sundance.o into cache Placed via_rhine.o into cache Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed pre_stage2_exec-bios.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-boot.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-builtins.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-cmdline.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-common.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-console.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_ext2fs.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_fat.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_ffs.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_iso9660.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_jfs.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_minix.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_reiserfs.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_reiser4.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_ufs2.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_vstafs.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_xfs.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-gunzip.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-hercules.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-md5.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-serial.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-smp-imps.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-stage2.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-terminfo.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-tparm.o into cache called for link with pre_stage2_exec-bios.o Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed diskless_exec-bios.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-boot.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-builtins.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-cmdline.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-common.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-console.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-fsys_ext2fs.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-fsys_fat.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-fsys_ffs.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-fsys_iso9660.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-fsys_jfs.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-fsys_minix.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-fsys_reiserfs.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-fsys_reiser4.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-fsys_ufs2.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-fsys_vstafs.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-fsys_xfs.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-gunzip.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-hercules.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-md5.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-serial.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-smp-imps.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-stage2.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-terminfo.o into cache Placed diskless_exec-tparm.o into cache called for link with diskless_exec-bios.o Placed libgrub_a-boot.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-builtins.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-char_io.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-cmdline.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-common.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-disk_io.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_ext2fs.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_fat.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_ffs.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_iso9660.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_jfs.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_minix.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_reiserfs.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_reiser4.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_ufs2.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_vstafs.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_xfs.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-gunzip.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-md5.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-serial.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-stage2.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-terminfo.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-tparm.o into cache Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - start_exec-start.o Not a C/C++ file - start_eltorito.S Not a C/C++ file - start_eltorito_exec-start_eltorito.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed e2fs_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed e2fs_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed e2fs_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed e2fs_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed e2fs_stage1_5_exec-fsys_ext2fs.o into cache Placed e2fs_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with e2fs_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed fat_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed fat_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed fat_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed fat_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed fat_stage1_5_exec-fsys_fat.o into cache Placed fat_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with fat_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed ffs_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed ffs_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed ffs_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed ffs_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed ffs_stage1_5_exec-fsys_ffs.o into cache Placed ffs_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with ffs_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start_eltorito.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed iso9660_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed iso9660_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed iso9660_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed iso9660_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed iso9660_stage1_5_exec-fsys_iso9660.o into cache Placed iso9660_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with iso9660_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed jfs_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed jfs_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed jfs_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed jfs_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed jfs_stage1_5_exec-fsys_jfs.o into cache Placed jfs_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with jfs_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed minix_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed minix_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed minix_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed minix_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed minix_stage1_5_exec-fsys_minix.o into cache Placed minix_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with minix_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-fsys_reiserfs.o into cache Placed reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed ufs2_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed ufs2_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed ufs2_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed ufs2_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed ufs2_stage1_5_exec-fsys_ufs2.o into cache Placed ufs2_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with ufs2_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed vstafs_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed vstafs_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed vstafs_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed vstafs_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed vstafs_stage1_5_exec-fsys_vstafs.o into cache Placed vstafs_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with vstafs_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed xfs_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed xfs_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed xfs_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed xfs_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed xfs_stage1_5_exec-fsys_xfs.o into cache Placed xfs_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with xfs_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - nbloader.S Not a C/C++ file - nbloader_exec-nbloader.o Not a C/C++ file - pxeloader.S Not a C/C++ file - pxeloader_exec-pxeloader.o Not a C/C++ file - stage1.S Not a C/C++ file - stage1.o Placed getopt.o into cache Placed getopt1.o into cache Placed device.o into cache Placed main.o into cache Placed asmstub.o into cache called for link with asmstub.o Placed mbchk.o into cache called for link with ../lib/libcommon.a No input file found No input file found No input file found No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 got cached result for sub/conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o Not a C/C++ file - conftest.o Not a C/C++ file - conftest.o Not a C/C++ file - conftest.o Not a C/C++ file - conftest.s Not a C/C++ file - conftest.s Not a C/C++ file - conftest.s No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o the preprocessor gave 1 got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed pre_stage2_exec-bios.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-boot.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-builtins.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-cmdline.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-common.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-console.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_ext2fs.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_fat.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_ffs.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_iso9660.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_jfs.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_minix.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_reiserfs.o into cache got cached result for pre_stage2_exec-fsys_reiser4.o Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_ufs2.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_vstafs.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-fsys_xfs.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-gunzip.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-hercules.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-md5.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-serial.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-smp-imps.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-stage2.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-terminfo.o into cache Placed pre_stage2_exec-tparm.o into cache called for link with pre_stage2_exec-bios.o Placed libgrub_a-boot.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-builtins.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-char_io.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-cmdline.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-common.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-disk_io.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_ext2fs.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_fat.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_ffs.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_iso9660.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_jfs.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_minix.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_reiserfs.o into cache got cached result for libgrub_a-fsys_reiser4.o Placed libgrub_a-fsys_ufs2.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_vstafs.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-fsys_xfs.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-gunzip.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-md5.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-serial.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-stage2.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-terminfo.o into cache Placed libgrub_a-tparm.o into cache Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - start_exec-start.o Not a C/C++ file - start_eltorito.S Not a C/C++ file - start_eltorito_exec-start_eltorito.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed e2fs_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed e2fs_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed e2fs_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed e2fs_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed e2fs_stage1_5_exec-fsys_ext2fs.o into cache Placed e2fs_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with e2fs_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed fat_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed fat_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed fat_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed fat_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed fat_stage1_5_exec-fsys_fat.o into cache Placed fat_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with fat_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed ffs_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed ffs_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed ffs_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed ffs_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed ffs_stage1_5_exec-fsys_ffs.o into cache Placed ffs_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with ffs_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start_eltorito.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed iso9660_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed iso9660_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed iso9660_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed iso9660_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed iso9660_stage1_5_exec-fsys_iso9660.o into cache Placed iso9660_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with iso9660_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed jfs_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed jfs_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed jfs_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed jfs_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed jfs_stage1_5_exec-fsys_jfs.o into cache Placed jfs_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with jfs_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed minix_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed minix_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed minix_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed minix_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed minix_stage1_5_exec-fsys_minix.o into cache Placed minix_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with minix_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-fsys_reiserfs.o into cache Placed reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with reiserfs_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed ufs2_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed ufs2_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed ufs2_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed ufs2_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed ufs2_stage1_5_exec-fsys_ufs2.o into cache Placed ufs2_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with ufs2_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed vstafs_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed vstafs_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed vstafs_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed vstafs_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed vstafs_stage1_5_exec-fsys_vstafs.o into cache Placed vstafs_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with vstafs_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - start.S Not a C/C++ file - asm.S Placed xfs_stage1_5_exec-common.o into cache Placed xfs_stage1_5_exec-char_io.o into cache Placed xfs_stage1_5_exec-disk_io.o into cache Placed xfs_stage1_5_exec-stage1_5.o into cache Placed xfs_stage1_5_exec-fsys_xfs.o into cache Placed xfs_stage1_5_exec-bios.o into cache called for link with xfs_stage1_5_exec-asm.o Not a C/C++ file - stage1.S Not a C/C++ file - stage1.o got cached result for getopt.o got cached result for getopt1.o Placed device.o into cache Placed main.o into cache Placed asmstub.o into cache called for link with asmstub.o got cached result for mbchk.o called for link with ../lib/libcommon.a