got cached result for unzip.o got cached result for crc32.o got cached result for crctab.o got cached result for crypt.o got cached result for envargs.o got cached result for explode.o got cached result for extract.o got cached result for fileio.o got cached result for globals.o got cached result for inflate.o got cached result for list.o got cached result for match.o got cached result for process.o got cached result for ttyio.o got cached result for unreduce.o got cached result for unshrink.o got cached result for zipinfo.o Placed unix.o into cache called for link with crc32.o got cached result for funzip.o got cached result for cryptf.o got cached result for globalsf.o got cached result for inflatef.o got cached result for ttyiof.o called for link with crc32.o got cached result for unzipsfx.o got cached result for crctab_.o got cached result for crypt_.o got cached result for extract_.o got cached result for fileio_.o got cached result for globals_.o got cached result for inflate_.o got cached result for match_.o got cached result for process_.o got cached result for ttyio_.o got cached result for unix_.o called for link with crc32.o