Placed /tmp/cgh16986/dummy.o into cache No input file found No input file found No input file found No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No input file found No input file found No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option 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found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for copydir.o got cached result for dirmod.o got cached result for exec.o got cached result for noblock.o got cached result for path.o got cached result for pipe.o got cached result for pgsleep.o got cached result for pgstrcasecmp.o got cached result for sprompt.o got cached result for thread.o got cached result for copydir_srv.o got cached result for dirmod_srv.o got cached result for exec_srv.o got cached result for noblock_srv.o got cached result for path_srv.o got cached result for pipe_srv.o got cached result for pgsleep_srv.o got cached result for pgstrcasecmp_srv.o got cached result for sprompt_srv.o got cached result for thread_srv.o got cached result for localtime.o got cached result for strftime.o got cached result for pgtz.o got cached result for zic.o got cached result for ialloc.o got cached result for scheck.o called for link with ialloc.o got cached result for heaptuple.o got cached result for indextuple.o got cached result for indexvalid.o got cached result for printtup.o got cached result for scankey.o got cached result for tupdesc.o got cached result for gist.o got cached result for gistutil.o got cached result for gistxlog.o got cached result for gistvacuum.o got cached result for gistget.o got cached result for gistscan.o got cached result for gistproc.o got cached result for hash.o got cached result for hashfunc.o got cached result for hashinsert.o got cached result for hashovfl.o got cached result for hashpage.o got cached result for hashscan.o got cached result for hashsearch.o got cached result for hashutil.o got cached result for heapam.o got cached result for hio.o got cached result for tuptoaster.o got cached result for genam.o got cached result for indexam.o got cached result for nbtcompare.o got cached result for nbtinsert.o got cached result for nbtpage.o got cached result for nbtree.o got cached result for nbtsearch.o got cached result for nbtutils.o got cached result for nbtsort.o got cached result for nbtxlog.o got cached result for rtget.o got cached result for rtproc.o got cached result for rtree.o got cached result for rtscan.o got cached result for rtstrat.o got cached result for clog.o got cached result for transam.o got cached result for varsup.o got cached result for xact.o got cached result for xlog.o got cached result for xlogutils.o got cached result for rmgr.o got cached result for slru.o got cached result for subtrans.o got cached result for multixact.o got cached result for twophase.o got cached result for twophase_rmgr.o got cached result for bootparse.o got cached result for bootstrap.o got cached result for catalog.o got cached result for dependency.o got cached result for heap.o got cached result for index.o got cached result for indexing.o got cached result for namespace.o got cached result for aclchk.o got cached result for pg_aggregate.o got cached result for pg_constraint.o got cached result for pg_conversion.o got cached result for pg_depend.o got cached result for pg_largeobject.o got cached result for pg_namespace.o got cached result for pg_operator.o got cached result for pg_proc.o got cached result for pg_shdepend.o got cached result for pg_type.o got cached result for analyze.o got cached result for gram.o got cached result for keywords.o got cached result for parser.o got cached result for parse_agg.o got cached result for parse_clause.o got cached result for parse_expr.o got cached result for parse_func.o got cached result for parse_node.o got cached result for parse_oper.o got cached result for parse_relation.o got cached result for parse_type.o got cached result for parse_coerce.o got cached result for parse_target.o got cached result for scansup.o got cached result for aggregatecmds.o got cached result for alter.o got cached result for analyze.o got cached result for async.o got cached result for cluster.o got cached result for comment.o got cached result for conversioncmds.o got cached result for copy.o got cached result for dbcommands.o got cached result for define.o got cached result for explain.o got cached result for functioncmds.o got cached result for indexcmds.o got cached result for lockcmds.o got cached result for operatorcmds.o got cached result for opclasscmds.o got cached result for portalcmds.o got cached result for prepare.o got cached result for proclang.o got cached result for schemacmds.o got cached result for sequence.o got cached result for tablecmds.o got cached result for tablespace.o got cached result for trigger.o got cached result for typecmds.o got cached result for user.o got cached result for vacuum.o got cached result for vacuumlazy.o got cached result for variable.o got cached result for view.o got cached result for execAmi.o got cached result for execGrouping.o got cached result for execJunk.o got cached result for execMain.o got cached result for execProcnode.o got cached result for execQual.o got cached result for execScan.o got cached result for execTuples.o got cached result for execUtils.o got cached result for functions.o got cached result for instrument.o got cached result for nodeAppend.o got cached result for nodeAgg.o got cached result for nodeBitmapAnd.o got cached result for nodeBitmapOr.o got cached result for nodeBitmapHeapscan.o got cached result for nodeBitmapIndexscan.o got cached result for nodeHash.o got cached result for nodeHashjoin.o got cached result for nodeIndexscan.o got cached result for nodeMaterial.o got cached result for nodeMergejoin.o got cached result for nodeNestloop.o got cached result for nodeFunctionscan.o got cached result for nodeResult.o got cached result for nodeSeqscan.o got cached result for nodeSetOp.o got cached result for nodeSort.o got cached result for nodeUnique.o got cached result for nodeLimit.o got cached result for nodeGroup.o got cached result for nodeSubplan.o got cached result for nodeSubqueryscan.o got cached result for nodeTidscan.o got cached result for tstoreReceiver.o got cached result for spi.o got cached result for dllist.o got cached result for stringinfo.o got cached result for be-fsstubs.o got cached result for be-secure.o got cached result for auth.o got cached result for crypt.o got cached result for hba.o got cached result for ip.o got cached result for md5.o got cached result for pqcomm.o got cached result for pqformat.o got cached result for pqsignal.o got cached result for main.o got cached result for nodeFuncs.o got cached result for nodes.o got cached result for list.o got cached result for bitmapset.o got cached result for tidbitmap.o got cached result for copyfuncs.o got cached result for equalfuncs.o got cached result for makefuncs.o got cached result for outfuncs.o got cached result for readfuncs.o got cached result for print.o got cached result for read.o got cached result for params.o got cached result for value.o got cached result for geqo_copy.o got cached result for geqo_eval.o got cached result for geqo_main.o got cached result for geqo_misc.o got cached result for geqo_mutation.o got cached result for geqo_pool.o got cached result for geqo_recombination.o got cached result for geqo_selection.o got cached result for geqo_erx.o got cached result for geqo_pmx.o got cached result for geqo_cx.o got cached result for geqo_px.o got cached result for geqo_ox1.o got cached result for geqo_ox2.o got cached result for allpaths.o got cached result for clausesel.o got cached result for costsize.o got cached result for indxpath.o got cached result for joinpath.o got cached result for joinrels.o got cached result for orindxpath.o got cached result for pathkeys.o got cached result for tidpath.o got cached result for createplan.o got cached result for initsplan.o got cached result for planagg.o got cached result for planmain.o got cached result for planner.o got cached result for setrefs.o got cached result for subselect.o got cached result for prepjointree.o got cached result for prepqual.o got cached result for preptlist.o got cached result for prepunion.o got cached result for clauses.o got cached result for joininfo.o got cached result for pathnode.o got cached result for plancat.o got cached result for predtest.o got cached result for relnode.o got cached result for restrictinfo.o got cached result for tlist.o got cached result for var.o got cached result for dynloader.o got cached result for pg_sema.o got cached result for pg_shmem.o got cached result for bgwriter.o got cached result for autovacuum.o got cached result for pgarch.o got cached result for pgstat.o got cached result for postmaster.o got cached result for syslogger.o got cached result for fork_process.o got cached result for regcomp.o got cached result for regerror.o got cached result for regexec.o got cached result for regfree.o got cached result for rewriteRemove.o got cached result for rewriteDefine.o got cached result for rewriteHandler.o got cached result for rewriteManip.o got cached result for rewriteSupport.o got cached result for buf_table.o got cached result for buf_init.o got cached result for bufmgr.o got cached result for freelist.o got cached result for localbuf.o got cached result for fd.o got cached result for buffile.o got cached result for freespace.o got cached result for ipc.o got cached result for ipci.o got cached result for pmsignal.o got cached result for procarray.o got cached result for shmem.o got cached result for shmqueue.o got cached result for sinval.o got cached result for sinvaladt.o got cached result for inv_api.o got cached result for lmgr.o got cached result for lock.o got cached result for proc.o got cached result for deadlock.o got cached result for lwlock.o got cached result for spin.o got cached result for s_lock.o got cached result for bufpage.o got cached result for itemptr.o got cached result for md.o got cached result for smgr.o got cached result for smgrtype.o got cached result for dest.o got cached result for fastpath.o got cached result for postgres.o got cached result for pquery.o got cached result for utility.o got cached result for fmgrtab.o got cached result for acl.o got cached result for arrayfuncs.o got cached result for array_userfuncs.o got cached result for arrayutils.o got cached result for bool.o got cached result for cash.o got cached result for char.o got cached result for date.o got cached result for datetime.o got cached result for datum.o got cached result for float.o got cached result for format_type.o got cached result for geo_ops.o got cached result for geo_selfuncs.o got cached result for int.o got cached result for int8.o got cached result for like.o got cached result for lockfuncs.o got cached result for misc.o got cached result for nabstime.o got cached result for name.o got cached result for not_in.o got cached result for numeric.o got cached result for numutils.o got cached result for oid.o got cached result for oracle_compat.o got cached result for pseudotypes.o got cached result for rowtypes.o got cached result for regexp.o got cached result for regproc.o got cached result for ruleutils.o got cached result for selfuncs.o got cached result for tid.o got cached result for timestamp.o got cached result for varbit.o got cached result for varchar.o got cached result for varlena.o got cached result for version.o got cached result for xid.o got cached result for network.o got cached result for mac.o got cached result for inet_net_ntop.o got cached result for inet_net_pton.o got cached result for ri_triggers.o got cached result for pg_lzcompress.o got cached result for pg_locale.o got cached result for formatting.o got cached result for ascii.o got cached result for quote.o got cached result for pgstatfuncs.o got cached result for encode.o got cached result for dbsize.o got cached result for genfile.o got cached result for catcache.o got cached result for inval.o got cached result for relcache.o got cached result for syscache.o got cached result for lsyscache.o got cached result for typcache.o got cached result for assert.o got cached result for elog.o got cached result for dfmgr.o got cached result for fmgr.o got cached result for funcapi.o got cached result for dynahash.o got cached result for hashfn.o got cached result for pg_crc.o got cached result for flatfiles.o got cached result for globals.o got cached result for miscinit.o got cached result for postinit.o got cached result for encnames.o got cached result for conv.o got cached result for mbutils.o got cached result for wchar.o got cached result for wstrcmp.o got cached result for wstrncmp.o got cached result for guc.o got cached result for help_config.o got cached result for pg_rusage.o got cached result for ps_status.o got cached result for superuser.o got cached result for aset.o got cached result for mcxt.o got cached result for portalmem.o got cached result for resowner.o got cached result for logtape.o got cached result for tuplesort.o got cached result for tuplestore.o got cached result for tqual.o called for link with bootstrap/SUBSYS.o got cached result for ascii_and_mic.o Not a C/C++ file - ascii_and_mic.o got cached result for cyrillic_and_mic.o Not a C/C++ file - cyrillic_and_mic.o got cached result for euc_cn_and_mic.o Not a C/C++ file - euc_cn_and_mic.o got cached result for euc_jp_and_sjis.o Not a C/C++ file - euc_jp_and_sjis.o got cached result for euc_kr_and_mic.o Not a C/C++ file - euc_kr_and_mic.o got cached result for big5.o got cached result for euc_tw_and_big5.o called for link with euc_tw_and_big5.o got cached result for latin2_and_win1250.o Not a C/C++ file - latin2_and_win1250.o got cached result for latin_and_mic.o Not a C/C++ file - latin_and_mic.o got cached result for utf8_and_ascii.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_ascii.o got cached result for utf8_and_big5.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_big5.o got cached result for utf8_and_cyrillic.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_cyrillic.o got cached result for utf8_and_euc_cn.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_euc_cn.o got cached result for utf8_and_euc_jp.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_euc_jp.o got cached result for utf8_and_euc_kr.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_euc_kr.o got cached result for utf8_and_euc_tw.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_euc_tw.o got cached result for utf8_and_gb18030.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_gb18030.o got cached result for utf8_and_gbk.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_gbk.o got cached result for utf8_and_iso8859.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_iso8859.o got cached result for utf8_and_iso8859_1.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_iso8859_1.o got cached result for utf8_and_johab.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_johab.o got cached result for utf8_and_sjis.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_sjis.o got cached result for utf8_and_win1258.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_win1258.o got cached result for utf8_and_uhc.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_uhc.o got cached result for utf8_and_win1250.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_win1250.o got cached result for utf8_and_win1252.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_win1252.o got cached result for utf8_and_win1256.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_win1256.o got cached result for utf8_and_win874.o Not a C/C++ file - utf8_and_win874.o got cached result for fe-auth.o got cached result for fe-connect.o got cached result for fe-exec.o got cached result for fe-misc.o got cached result for fe-print.o got cached result for fe-lobj.o got cached result for fe-protocol2.o got cached result for fe-protocol3.o got cached result for pqexpbuffer.o got cached result for pqsignal.o got cached result for fe-secure.o got cached result for md5.o got cached result for ip.o got cached result for wchar.o got cached result for encnames.o got cached result for noblock.o got cached result for pgstrcasecmp.o got cached result for thread.o called for link with fe-connect.o got cached result for numeric.o got cached result for datetime.o got cached result for common.o got cached result for dt_common.o got cached result for timestamp.o got cached result for interval.o got cached result for pgstrcasecmp.o called for link with datetime.o got cached result for execute.o got cached result for typename.o got cached result for descriptor.o got cached result for data.o got cached result for error.o got cached result for prepare.o got cached result for memory.o got cached result for connect.o got cached result for misc.o got cached result for path.o got cached result for exec.o called for link with typename.o got cached result for informix.o Not a C/C++ file - informix.o got cached result for preproc.o got cached result for type.o got cached result for ecpg.o got cached result for ecpg_keywords.o got cached result for output.o got cached result for keywords.o got cached result for c_keywords.o got cached result for descriptor.o got cached result for variable.o called for link with type.o got cached result for initdb.o Not a C/C++ file - initdb.o got cached result for pg_ctl.o Not a C/C++ file - pg_ctl.o got cached result for pg_dump.o got cached result for common.o got cached result for pg_dump_sort.o got cached result for pg_backup_archiver.o got cached result for pg_backup_db.o got cached result for pg_backup_custom.o got cached result for pg_backup_files.o got cached result for pg_backup_null.o got cached result for pg_backup_tar.o got cached result for dumputils.o called for link with common.o got cached result for pg_restore.o called for link with pg_backup_archiver.o got cached result for pg_dumpall.o called for link with dumputils.o got cached result for command.o got cached result for common.o got cached result for help.o got cached result for input.o got cached result for stringutils.o got cached result for mainloop.o got cached result for copy.o got cached result for startup.o got cached result for prompt.o got cached result for variables.o got cached result for large_obj.o got cached result for print.o got cached result for describe.o got cached result for psqlscan.o got cached result for tab-complete.o got cached result for mbprint.o called for link with common.o got cached result for createdb.o got cached result for common.o got cached result for dumputils.o called for link with common.o got cached result for createlang.o got cached result for print.o got cached result for mbprint.o called for link with common.o got cached result for createuser.o called for link with common.o got cached result for dropdb.o called for link with common.o got cached result for droplang.o called for link with common.o got cached result for dropuser.o called for link with common.o got cached result for clusterdb.o called for link with common.o got cached result for vacuumdb.o called for link with common.o got cached result for reindexdb.o called for link with common.o got cached result for pg_config.o Not a C/C++ file - pg_config.o got cached result for pg_controldata.o got cached result for pg_crc.o called for link with pg_crc.o got cached result for pg_resetxlog.o got cached result for pg_crc.o called for link with pg_crc.o got cached result for pl_gram.o got cached result for pl_handler.o got cached result for pl_comp.o got cached result for pl_exec.o got cached result for pl_funcs.o called for link with pl_handler.o got cached result for plperl.o got cached result for spi_internal.o got cached result for SPI.o called for link with spi_internal.o got cached result for plpython.o Not a C/C++ file - plpython.o got cached result for pltcl.o Not a C/C++ file - pltcl.o got cached result for btree_gist.o got cached result for btree_utils_num.o got cached result for btree_utils_var.o got cached result for btree_int2.o got cached result for btree_int4.o got cached result for btree_int8.o got cached result for btree_float4.o got cached result for btree_float8.o got cached result for btree_cash.o got cached result for btree_oid.o got cached result for btree_ts.o got cached result for btree_time.o got cached result for btree_date.o got cached result for btree_interval.o got cached result for btree_macaddr.o got cached result for btree_inet.o got cached result for btree_text.o got cached result for btree_bytea.o got cached result for btree_bit.o got cached result for btree_numeric.o called for link with btree_utils_num.o got cached result for chkpass.o Not a C/C++ file - chkpass.o got cached result for cube.o got cached result for cubeparse.o called for link with cubeparse.o got cached result for dbf.o got cached result for dbf2pg.o got cached result for endian.o called for link with dbf2pg.o got cached result for dblink.o Not a C/C++ file - dblink.o got cached result for pending.o Not a C/C++ file - pending.o got cached result for earthdistance.o Not a C/C++ file - earthdistance.o got cached result for fti.o Not a C/C++ file - fti.o got cached result for fuzzystrmatch.o got cached result for dmetaphone.o called for link with dmetaphone.o got cached result for int_aggregate.o Not a C/C++ file - int_aggregate.o got cached result for _int_bool.o got cached result for _int_gist.o got cached result for _int_op.o got cached result for _int_tool.o got cached result for _intbig_gist.o called for link with _int_gist.o got cached result for isbn_issn.o Not a C/C++ file - isbn_issn.o got cached result for lo.o Not a C/C++ file - lo.o got cached result for ltree_io.o got cached result for ltree_op.o got cached result for lquery_op.o got cached result for _ltree_op.o got cached result for crc32.o got cached result for ltxtquery_io.o got cached result for ltxtquery_op.o got cached result for ltree_gist.o got cached result for _ltree_gist.o called for link with ltree_op.o got cached result for oid2name.o Not a C/C++ file - oid2name.o got cached result for pg_buffercache_pages.o Not a C/C++ file - pg_buffercache_pages.o got cached result for trgm_op.o got cached result for trgm_gist.o called for link with trgm_gist.o got cached result for pgbench.o Not a C/C++ file - pgbench.o got cached result for pgcrypto.o got cached result for px.o got cached result for px-hmac.o got cached result for px-crypt.o got cached result for misc.o got cached result for crypt-gensalt.o got cached result for crypt-blowfish.o got cached result for crypt-des.o got cached result for crypt-md5.o got cached result for openssl.o got cached result for pgp-mpi-openssl.o got cached result for mbuf.o got cached result for pgp.o got cached result for pgp-armor.o got cached result for pgp-cfb.o got cached result for pgp-compress.o got cached result for pgp-decrypt.o got cached result for pgp-encrypt.o got cached result for pgp-info.o got cached result for pgp-mpi.o got cached result for pgp-pubdec.o got cached result for pgp-pubenc.o got cached result for pgp-pubkey.o got cached result for pgp-s2k.o got cached result for pgp-pgsql.o called for link with px.o got cached result for pgstattuple.o Not a C/C++ file - pgstattuple.o got cached result for seg.o got cached result for segparse.o called for link with segparse.o got cached result for autoinc.o Not a C/C++ file - autoinc.o got cached result for insert_username.o Not a C/C++ file - insert_username.o got cached result for moddatetime.o Not a C/C++ file - moddatetime.o got cached result for refint.o Not a C/C++ file - refint.o got cached result for timetravel.o Not a C/C++ file - timetravel.o got cached result for tablefunc.o Not a C/C++ file - tablefunc.o got cached result for dict_ex.o got cached result for dict.o got cached result for snmap.o got cached result for stopword.o got cached result for common.o got cached result for prs_dcfg.o got cached result for dict_snowball.o got cached result for dict_ispell.o got cached result for dict_syn.o got cached result for wparser.o got cached result for wparser_def.o got cached result for ts_cfg.o got cached result for tsvector.o got cached result for rewrite.o got cached result for crc32.o got cached result for query.o got cached result for gistidx.o got cached result for tsvector_op.o got cached result for rank.o got cached result for ts_stat.o got cached result for english_stem.o got cached result for api.o got cached result for russian_stem.o got cached result for utilities.o got cached result for spell.o got cached result for regis.o got cached result for parser.o got cached result for deflex.o called for link with dict.o got cached result for user_locks.o Not a C/C++ file - user_locks.o got cached result for vacuumlo.o Not a C/C++ file - vacuumlo.o