No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for test.o got cached result for newt.o got cached result for button.o got cached result for form.o got cached result for checkbox.o got cached result for entry.o got cached result for label.o got cached result for listbox.o got cached result for scrollbar.o got cached result for textbox.o got cached result for scale.o got cached result for grid.o got cached result for windows.o got cached result for buttonbar.o got cached result for checkboxtree.o called for link with libnewt.a got cached result for whiptail.o got cached result for dialogboxes.o got cached result for shared/newt.o got cached result for shared/button.o got cached result for shared/form.o got cached result for shared/checkbox.o got cached result for shared/entry.o got cached result for shared/label.o got cached result for shared/listbox.o got cached result for shared/scrollbar.o got cached result for shared/textbox.o got cached result for shared/scale.o got cached result for shared/grid.o got cached result for shared/windows.o got cached result for shared/buttonbar.o got cached result for shared/checkboxtree.o called for link with shared/button.o called for link with dialogboxes.o got cached result for whiptcl.o called for link with dialogboxes.o got cached result for testgrid.o called for link with libnewt.a got cached result for testtree.o called for link with libnewt.a got cached result for snackmodule.o called for link with got cached result for button.o got cached result for form.o got cached result for checkbox.o got cached result for entry.o got cached result for label.o got cached result for listbox.o got cached result for scrollbar.o got cached result for textbox.o got cached result for scale.o got cached result for grid.o got cached result for windows.o got cached result for buttonbar.o got cached result for checkboxtree.o