got cached result for irattach.o got cached result for util.o called for link with util.o got cached result for dongle_attach.o Not a C/C++ file - dongle_attach.o got cached result for irdaping.o Not a C/C++ file - irdaping.o got cached result for irnetd.o Not a C/C++ file - irnetd.o No -c option found for irpsion5.c got cached result for irkbd.o Not a C/C++ file - irkbd.o got cached result for findchip.o got cached result for smc.o got cached result for nsc.o got cached result for winbond.o called for link with smc.o got cached result for irdadump.o got cached result for irlap.o got cached result for irlmp.o got cached result for obex.o got cached result for ircomm.o got cached result for netbuf.o got cached result for capture.o got cached result for main.o called for link with lib_irdadump.a the preprocessor gave 1