No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.C got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for conftest.o got cached result for conftest.o compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.C No -c option found for conftest.C No -c option found for conftest.C No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c got cached result for stubdata.o Not a C/C++ file - stubdata.o got cached result for putil.o got cached result for utypes.o got cached result for uobject.o got cached result for cmemory.o got cached result for umutex.o got cached result for ucln_cmn.o got cached result for uinit.o got cached result for udata.o got cached result for ucmndata.o got cached result for udatamem.o got cached result for udataswp.o got cached result for umapfile.o got cached result for ucol_swp.o got cached result for uresbund.o got cached result for ures_cnv.o got cached result for uresdata.o got cached result for resbund.o got cached result for resbund_cnv.o got cached result for ucat.o got cached result for locmap.o got cached result for uloc.o got cached result for locid.o got cached result for uhash.o got cached result for uhash_us.o got cached result for ucnv.o got cached result for ucnv_set.o got cached result for ucnv_bld.o got cached result for ucnv_cb.o got cached result for ucnv_cnv.o got cached result for ucnv_err.o got cached result for ucnv_ext.o got cached result for ucnv_io.o got cached result for ucnvlat1.o got cached result for ucnv_u7.o got cached result for ucnv_u8.o got cached result for ucnv_u16.o got cached result for ucnv_u32.o got cached result for ucnvscsu.o got cached result for ucnvbocu.o got cached result for ucnvmbcs.o got cached result for ucnv2022.o got cached result for ucnvhz.o got cached result for ucnv_lmb.o got cached result for ucnvisci.o got cached result for ucnvdisp.o got cached result for unistr.o got cached result for unistr_case.o got cached result for unistr_cnv.o got cached result for unistr_props.o got cached result for utf_impl.o got cached result for ustring.o got cached result for ustr_cnv.o got cached result for ustrcase.o got cached result for ucasemap.o got cached result for cstring.o got cached result for ustrfmt.o got cached result for ustrtrns.o got cached result for ustr_wcs.o got cached result for uinvchar.o got cached result for utext.o got cached result for normlzr.o got cached result for unorm.o got cached result for unormcmp.o got cached result for unorm_it.o got cached result for chariter.o got cached result for schriter.o got cached result for uchriter.o got cached result for uiter.o got cached result for uchar.o got cached result for uprops.o got cached result for ucase.o got cached result for propname.o got cached result for ubidi_props.o got cached result for ubidi.o got cached result for ubidiwrt.o got cached result for ubidiln.o got cached result for ushape.o got cached result for unames.o got cached result for uscript.o got cached result for usc_impl.o got cached result for uvector.o got cached result for ustack.o got cached result for uvectr32.o got cached result for ucmp8.o got cached result for uarrsort.o got cached result for utrie.o got cached result for uset.o got cached result for uset_props.o got cached result for uniset.o got cached result for uniset_props.o got cached result for ruleiter.o got cached result for caniter.o got cached result for unifilt.o got cached result for unifunct.o got cached result for usetiter.o got cached result for brkiter.o got cached result for brkdict.o got cached result for ubrk.o got cached result for dbbi.o got cached result for dbbi_tbl.o got cached result for rbbi.o got cached result for rbbidata.o got cached result for rbbinode.o got cached result for rbbirb.o got cached result for rbbiscan.o got cached result for rbbisetb.o got cached result for rbbistbl.o got cached result for rbbitblb.o got cached result for serv.o got cached result for servnotf.o got cached result for servls.o got cached result for servlk.o got cached result for servlkf.o got cached result for servrbf.o got cached result for servslkf.o got cached result for locutil.o got cached result for uenum.o got cached result for ustrenum.o got cached result for uidna.o got cached result for usprep.o got cached result for punycode.o got cached result for cwchar.o got cached result for util.o got cached result for parsepos.o got cached result for utrace.o got cached result for locbased.o called for link with utypes.o got cached result for ucln_in.o got cached result for fmtable.o got cached result for format.o got cached result for msgfmt.o got cached result for umsg.o got cached result for numfmt.o got cached result for unum.o got cached result for decimfmt.o got cached result for dcfmtsym.o got cached result for ucurr.o got cached result for digitlst.o got cached result for fmtable_cnv.o got cached result for choicfmt.o got cached result for datefmt.o got cached result for smpdtfmt.o got cached result for dtfmtsym.o got cached result for udat.o got cached result for nfrs.o got cached result for nfrule.o got cached result for nfsubs.o got cached result for rbnf.o got cached result for ucal.o got cached result for calendar.o got cached result for gregocal.o got cached result for timezone.o got cached result for simpletz.o got cached result for olsontz.o got cached result for astro.o got cached result for buddhcal.o got cached result for islamcal.o got cached result for japancal.o got cached result for gregoimp.o got cached result for hebrwcal.o got cached result for chnsecal.o got cached result for coleitr.o got cached result for coll.o got cached result for tblcoll.o got cached result for sortkey.o got cached result for bocsu.o got cached result for ucoleitr.o got cached result for ucol.o got cached result for ucol_res.o got cached result for ucol_bld.o got cached result for ucol_sit.o got cached result for ucol_tok.o got cached result for ucol_wgt.o got cached result for ucol_cnt.o got cached result for ucol_elm.o got cached result for strmatch.o got cached result for usearch.o got cached result for search.o got cached result for stsearch.o got cached result for translit.o got cached result for utrans.o got cached result for esctrn.o got cached result for unesctrn.o got cached result for funcrepl.o got cached result for strrepl.o got cached result for tridpars.o got cached result for cpdtrans.o got cached result for rbt.o got cached result for rbt_data.o got cached result for rbt_pars.o got cached result for rbt_rule.o got cached result for rbt_set.o got cached result for nultrans.o got cached result for remtrans.o got cached result for casetrn.o got cached result for titletrn.o got cached result for tolowtrn.o got cached result for toupptrn.o got cached result for anytrans.o got cached result for name2uni.o got cached result for uni2name.o got cached result for nortrans.o got cached result for quant.o got cached result for transreg.o got cached result for regexcmp.o got cached result for rematch.o got cached result for repattrn.o got cached result for regexst.o got cached result for uregex.o got cached result for uregexc.o got cached result for ulocdata.o got cached result for measfmt.o got cached result for currfmt.o got cached result for curramt.o got cached result for currunit.o got cached result for measure.o got cached result for utmscale.o called for link with fmtable.o got cached result for LEFontInstance.o got cached result for OpenTypeLayoutEngine.o got cached result for ThaiLayoutEngine.o got cached result for ThaiShaping.o got cached result for ThaiStateTables.o got cached result for ArabicLayoutEngine.o got cached result for GXLayoutEngine.o got cached result for HanLayoutEngine.o got cached result for IndicLayoutEngine.o got cached result for LayoutEngine.o got cached result for ContextualGlyphSubstProc.o got cached result for IndicRearrangementProcessor.o got cached result for LigatureSubstProc.o got cached result for LookupTables.o got cached result for MorphTables.o got cached result for NonContextualGlyphSubstProc.o got cached result for SegmentArrayProcessor.o got cached result for SegmentSingleProcessor.o got cached result for SimpleArrayProcessor.o got cached result for SingleTableProcessor.o got cached result for StateTableProcessor.o got cached result for SubtableProcessor.o got cached result for TrimmedArrayProcessor.o got cached result for AlternateSubstSubtables.o got cached result for AnchorTables.o got cached result for ArabicShaping.o got cached result for CanonData.o got cached result for CanonShaping.o got cached result for ClassDefinitionTables.o got cached result for ContextualSubstSubtables.o got cached result for CoverageTables.o got cached result for CursiveAttachmentSubtables.o got cached result for DeviceTables.o got cached result for ExtensionSubtables.o got cached result for Features.o got cached result for GDEFMarkFilter.o got cached result for GlyphDefinitionTables.o got cached result for GlyphIterator.o got cached result for GlyphLookupTables.o got cached result for GlyphPosnLookupProc.o got cached result for GlyphPositionAdjustments.o got cached result for GlyphPositioningTables.o got cached result for GlyphSubstLookupProc.o got cached result for GlyphSubstitutionTables.o got cached result for IndicClassTables.o got cached result for IndicReordering.o got cached result for LEInsertionList.o got cached result for LEGlyphStorage.o got cached result for LigatureSubstSubtables.o got cached result for LookupProcessor.o got cached result for Lookups.o got cached result for MarkArrays.o got cached result for MarkToBasePosnSubtables.o got cached result for MarkToLigaturePosnSubtables.o got cached result for MarkToMarkPosnSubtables.o got cached result for MPreFixups.o got cached result for MultipleSubstSubtables.o got cached result for OpenTypeUtilities.o got cached result for PairPositioningSubtables.o got cached result for ScriptAndLanguage.o got cached result for ScriptAndLanguageTags.o got cached result for SinglePositioningSubtables.o got cached result for SingleSubstitutionSubtables.o got cached result for SubstitutionLookups.o got cached result for ValueRecords.o got cached result for KhmerLayoutEngine.o got cached result for KhmerReordering.o got cached result for KernTable.o called for link with OpenTypeLayoutEngine.o got cached result for ParagraphLayout.o got cached result for RunArrays.o got cached result for LXUtilities.o called for link with RunArrays.o got cached result for filestrm.o got cached result for propsvec.o got cached result for toolutil.o got cached result for unewdata.o got cached result for ucm.o got cached result for ucmstate.o got cached result for uoptions.o got cached result for uparse.o got cached result for ucbuf.o got cached result for xmlparser.o got cached result for writesrc.o called for link with propsvec.o got cached result for ctest.o got cached result for tstdtmod.o got cached result for testdata.o got cached result for datamap.o called for link with tstdtmod.o got cached result for makeconv.o got cached result for ucnvstat.o got cached result for genmbcs.o got cached result for gencnvex.o called for link with ucnvstat.o got cached result for errmsg.o got cached result for genrb.o got cached result for parse.o got cached result for read.o got cached result for reslist.o got cached result for ustr.o got cached result for rbutil.o got cached result for wrtjava.o got cached result for rle.o got cached result for wrtxml.o got cached result for prscmnts.o called for link with genrb.o got cached result for derb.o Not a C/C++ file - derb.o got cached result for genuca.o Not a C/C++ file - genuca.o got cached result for genbrk.o Not a C/C++ file - genbrk.o got cached result for genprops.o got cached result for props2.o got cached result for store.o called for link with props2.o got cached result for gencase.o got cached result for store.o called for link with store.o got cached result for genbidi.o got cached result for store.o called for link with store.o got cached result for gennames.o Not a C/C++ file - gennames.o got cached result for genpname.o Not a C/C++ file - genpname.o got cached result for gennorm.o got cached result for store.o called for link with store.o got cached result for gencmn.o Not a C/C++ file - gencmn.o got cached result for decmn.o Not a C/C++ file - decmn.o got cached result for gencnval.o Not a C/C++ file - gencnval.o got cached result for gensprep.o got cached result for store.o called for link with store.o got cached result for genccode.o Not a C/C++ file - genccode.o got cached result for pkgdata.o got cached result for pkgtypes.o got cached result for make.o got cached result for dllmode.o got cached result for cmnmode.o got cached result for filemode.o got cached result for sttcmode.o got cached result for winmode.o called for link with pkgtypes.o got cached result for gentest.o got cached result for genres32.o called for link with genres32.o got cached result for icuswap.o got cached result for swapimpl.o called for link with swapimpl.o Not a C/C++ file - ./out/tmp/icudt34l_dat.s Not a C/C++ file - ./out/tmp/icudt34l_dat.o got cached result for locbund.o got cached result for ufile.o got cached result for ufmt_cmn.o got cached result for uprintf.o got cached result for uprntf_p.o got cached result for uscanf.o got cached result for uscanf_p.o got cached result for ustdio.o got cached result for sprintf.o got cached result for sscanf.o got cached result for ustream.o called for link with ufile.o got cached result for uconv.o got cached result for uwmsg.o Not a C/C++ file - uconvmsg/uconvmsg_dat.s called for link with uwmsg.o got cached result for uprint.o got cached result for date.o called for link with date.o got cached result for uprint.o got cached result for cal.o called for link with cal.o