No input file found No input file found No input file found No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed 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-c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache the preprocessor gave 1 No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for ./src/genconf.c No -c option found for ./src/echogs.c No -c option found for ./src/genarch.c got cached result for ./obj/gp_getnv.o Placed ./obj/gp_unix.o into cache got cached result for ./obj/gp_unifs.o got cached result for ./obj/gp_unifn.o got cached result for ./obj/gp_stdia.o got cached result for ./obj/gp_nsync.o got cached result for ./obj/zcid.o Placed ./obj/zfcid.o into cache Placed ./obj/zfcid0.o into cache Placed ./obj/zfcid1.o into cache Placed ./obj/zchar1.o into cache got cached result for ./obj/zcharout.o got cached result for ./obj/zfont1.o got cached result for ./obj/zmisc1.o got cached result for ./obj/seexec.o got cached result for ./obj/gscrypt1.o got cached result for ./obj/iutil2.o got cached result for ./obj/zmisc2.o got cached result for ./obj/zvmem2.o got cached result for ./obj/zdps1.o got cached result for ./obj/zusparam.o got cached result for ./obj/zchar2.o got cached result for ./obj/zfont2.o got cached result for ./obj/gstype1.o got cached result for ./obj/gxtype1.o got cached result for ./obj/gxhintn.o got cached result for ./obj/gxchrout.o got cached result for ./obj/gstype2.o Placed ./obj/zchar42.o into cache Placed ./obj/zfont42.o into cache Placed ./obj/gstype42.o into cache got cached result for ./obj/ttcalc.o got cached result for ./obj/ttfinp.o got cached result for ./obj/ttfmain.o got cached result for ./obj/ttfmemd.o got cached result for ./obj/ttinterp.o got cached result for ./obj/ttload.o got cached result for ./obj/ttobjs.o Placed ./obj/gxttfb.o into cache got cached result for ./obj/gzspotan.o got cached result for ./obj/zfrsd.o got cached result for ./obj/zcie.o got cached result for ./obj/zcrd.o got cached result for ./obj/gscie.o got cached result for ./obj/gsciemap.o got cached result for ./obj/gscscie.o got cached result for ./obj/gscrd.o got cached result for ./obj/gscrdp.o got cached result for ./obj/gxctable.o got cached result for ./obj/zfcmap.o got cached result for ./obj/gsfcmap.o got cached result for ./obj/gsfcmap1.o Placed ./obj/gsfcid.o into cache Placed ./obj/gsfcid2.o into cache got cached result for ./obj/gschar0.o got cached result for ./obj/gsfont0.o Placed ./obj/zcfont.o into cache got cached result for ./obj/zfont0.o got cached result for ./obj/sdctc.o Placed ./obj/sjpegc.o into cache got cached result for ./obj/sdcte.o got cached result for ./obj/sjpege.o got cached result for ./obj/sdeparam.o got cached result for ./obj/sdcparam.o got cached result for ./obj/zfdcte.o got cached result for ./obj/sdctd.o got cached result for ./obj/sjpegd.o got cached result for ./obj/sddparam.o got cached result for ./obj/zfdctd.o got 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for ./obj/gsistate.o got cached result for ./obj/gsline.o got cached result for ./obj/gsmalloc.o got cached result for ./obj/gsmatrix.o got cached result for ./obj/gsmemlok.o got cached result for ./obj/gsmemory.o got cached result for ./obj/gsmemret.o got cached result for ./obj/gsmisc.o got cached result for ./obj/gsnotify.o got cached result for ./obj/gspaint.o got cached result for ./obj/gsparam.o got cached result for ./obj/gspath.o got cached result for ./obj/gsserial.o got cached result for ./obj/gsstate.o got cached result for ./obj/gstext.o got cached result for ./obj/gsutil.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevmrun.o got cached result for ./obj/gshtx.o got cached result for ./obj/gsiodevs.o got cached result for ./obj/gxacpath.o got cached result for ./obj/gxbcache.o got cached result for ./obj/gxccache.o Placed ./obj/gxccman.o into cache Placed ./obj/gxchar.o into cache got cached result for ./obj/gxcht.o got cached result for ./obj/gxclip.o got cached result for ./obj/gxcmap.o got cached result for ./obj/gxcpath.o got cached result for ./obj/gxdcconv.o got cached result for ./obj/gxdcolor.o got cached result for ./obj/gxhldevc.o got cached result for ./obj/gxfill.o got cached result for ./obj/gxfdrop.o got cached result for ./obj/gxht.o got cached result for ./obj/gxhtbit.o got cached result for ./obj/gxwts.o got cached result for ./obj/gxidata.o got cached result for ./obj/gxifast.o got cached result for ./obj/gximage.o got cached result for ./obj/gximage1.o got cached result for ./obj/gximono.o got cached result for ./obj/gxipixel.o got cached result for ./obj/gxpaint.o got cached result for ./obj/gxpath.o got cached result for ./obj/gxpath2.o got cached result for ./obj/gxpcopy.o got cached result for ./obj/gxpdash.o got cached result for ./obj/gxpflat.o got cached result for ./obj/gxsample.o got cached result for ./obj/gxstroke.o got cached result for ./obj/gxsync.o got cached result for ./obj/vdtrace.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevabuf.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevdbit.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevddrw.o Placed ./obj/gdevdflt.o into cache got cached result for ./obj/gdevdgbr.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevnfwd.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevmem.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevplnx.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevm1.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevm2.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevm4.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevm8.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevm16.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevm24.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevm32.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevm40.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevm48.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevm56.o got cached result for ./obj/gdevm64.o got cached result for ./obj/siinterp.o got cached result for ./obj/siscale.o got cached result for ./obj/gxino12b.o got cached result for ./obj/gsnorop.o got cached result for ./obj/gp_strdl.o got cached result for ./obj/gs.o got cached result for ./obj/gconfig.o Placed ./obj/gscdefs.o into cache got cached result for ./obj/iconfig.o got cached result for ./obj/iccinit0.o called for link with ./obj/gp_getnv.o