got cached result for dumps.o got cached result for io.o got cached result for ld.o got cached result for readobj.o got cached result for table.o got cached result for typeconv.o got cached result for linksyms.o got cached result for mkar.o got cached result for writex86.o got cached result for writebin.o got cached result for writeemu.o called for link with io.o No -c option found for objchop.c No -c option found for catimage.c No -c option found for objdump86.c got cached result for as.o got cached result for assemble.o got cached result for errors.o got cached result for express.o got cached result for genbin.o got cached result for genlist.o got cached result for genobj.o got cached result for gensym.o got cached result for keywords.o got cached result for macro.o got cached result for mops.o got cached result for pops.o got cached result for readsrc.o got cached result for scan.o got cached result for table.o got cached result for typeconv.o got cached result for alloc.o called for link with assemble.o