No input file found No input file found No input file found No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache No -c option found for conftest.c No input file found Placed conftest.o into cache No input file found No input file found No input file found Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 compile of conftest.o gave status = 1 Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache called for link with conftstm.o No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache Placed conftest.o into cache Placed out/conftest2.o into cache got cached result for conftest.o Not a C/C++ file - conftest.o No input file found No input file found No input file found Placed conftest.o into cache Not a C/C++ file - conftest.o Placed conftest.o into cache Placed out/conftest2.o into cache No input file found No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c argument -x is unsupported No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c No -c option found for conftest.c Placed conftest.o into cache Placed sai.o into cache Placed saibuy.o into cache Placed saitraj.o into cache Placed saiturn.o into cache Placed saccessory.o into cache Placed saddconf.o into cache Placed scffile.o into cache Placed scffileold.o into cache Placed scolor.o into cache Placed sconfig.o into cache Placed seconomy.o into cache Placed sexplosion.o into cache Placed sgame.o into cache Placed shelp.o into cache Placed shelpdata.o into cache Placed sinfo.o into cache Placed sinventory.o into cache Placed sland.o into cache Placed slscape.o into cache Placed slscapetools.o into cache Placed soptions.o into cache Placed sphoenix.o into cache Placed sphysics.o into cache Placed splayer.o into cache Placed spreround.o into cache Placed sregistry.o into cache Placed sshield.o into cache Placed sspill.o into cache Placed sstate.o into cache Placed stankpro.o into cache Placed strack.o into cache Placed sweapon.o into cache Placed sactiveconsole.o into cache Placed sactoggle.o into cache Placed sconsole.o into cache Placed sdialog.o into cache Placed sdisplay.o into cache Placed sdrawbuf.o into cache Placed slabel.o into cache Placed slinkcheck.o into cache Placed slinkcombo.o into cache Placed slinkentry.o into cache Placed slinkspin.o into cache Placed sai-gtk.o into cache Placed sautodef-gtk.o into cache Placed scolor-gtk.o into cache Placed seconomy-gtk.o into cache Placed send-gtk.o into cache Placed sexplosion-gtk.o into cache Placed sfile-gtk.o into cache Placed sfont-gtk.o into cache Placed sgraphics-gtk.o into cache Placed simage-gtk.o into cache Placed sinventory-gtk.o into cache Placed sland-gtk.o into cache Placed slottery-gtk.o into cache Placed smainmenu-gtk.o into cache Placed smenu-gtk.o into cache Placed snet-gtk.o into cache Placed soptions-gtk.o into cache Placed spaint-gtk.o into cache Placed sphysics-gtk.o into cache Placed splayer-gtk.o into cache Placed ssound-gtk.o into cache Placed sspill-gtk.o into cache Placed sstatus-gtk.o into cache Placed ssystem-gtk.o into cache Placed stank-gtk.o into cache Placed sweapons-gtk.o into cache Placed swindow-gtk.o into cache Placed ssoundnull.o into cache Placed md5.o into cache Placed randserv.o into cache Placed sfractal.o into cache Placed shash.o into cache Placed shashlist.o into cache Placed srand.o into cache Placed sslink.o into cache Placed reg.o into cache Placed regblock.o into cache Placed regio.o into cache Placed regvar.o into cache Placed str_arg.o into cache Placed str_case.o into cache Placed str_cgi.o into cache Placed str_comp.o into cache Placed str_con.o into cache Placed str_copy.o into cache Placed str_creat.o into cache Placed str_info.o into cache Placed str_io.o into cache Placed str_num.o into cache Placed str_printf.o into cache Placed str_replace.o into cache Placed str_time.o into cache Placed str_trim.o into cache Placed str_uni.o into cache Placed xscorch.o into cache called for link with /usr/lib/